Seasons Greetings!


On this festive season, we were inspired of what Christmas is all about: LOVE

Love has a tons of crazy ways of expressing itself. We have decided to go back in the years when love was elegantly expressed in a letter.

This Christmas: Instead of giving fancy presents or sending wishes through social media, let’s all write a letter to our loved ones! Don’t get us wrong, we all appreciate a beautiful present and we do spent half of our days on social media! Manto is spending her days and nights in instagram. Chrisa's phone is constantly on youtube playing "daddy finger, daddy finger, where are you?". We do though, believe that writing a letter, will always be the most heartwarming way of expressing our feelings!

So, sit comfortably in the warmth of your festively decorated home and write your letters! Send out love and gratitude to your fiancé, your husband, boyfriend, best friend or whomever you wish.



To inspire and tempt you, we have created some free printable Christmas cards! Of course Santorini is represented, as it is our loved home base and we are pretty sure a dream place for most of you!







Seasons Greetings!

Wishing you all a blissful Christmas and a wonderful 2018!
Always remember to have fun!



Ps. We couldn’t help ourselves not giving you some of our favorite decorative ideas for this season, as well as some of our silly moments during the photoshooting, so enjoy!



Special thanks to our friends for their help! Nikos for creating these amazing cards for us,  Avraam from Fiorentino for the greeneries, Anta for hosting us at her beautiful home in Thessaloniki, and of course our dearest and great photographer Nikos Gogas for his a-we-so-me images!



Manto & Chrisa

© 2012-2020 Santorini Bliss Weddings